12rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

These five simple words say at all. Every last one of us needs others in our lives. We human beings are social creatures and are interdependent upon one another...

8rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

Today I wish to share with you one of the most powerful tools in my life toolbox. Let me begin by saying when I began this incredible journey, I was a disbeliev...

5rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

One of the markers for alcoholism is relapse. There are those that came through the program and got it the very first time....

7rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of United States at the time of World War II, once told a hurting nation, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.Ã...

16rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

I feel like growing today. For some strange reason, I feel compelled to do something to improve my life. I guess I’m tired of doing what I do and getting...

9rmtc2018-07-140Health 00

One of the coolest things about inpatient treatment at Rocky Mountain Treatment Center is the equine therapy program....

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